The Goatscapers, Landscaping by GOATS

The Goatscapers, Landscaping by GOATS


The Advantage of Goats for land management

Goats are simply best

Goats are much more effective than their human colleges and even chemicals in many situations. They are able to work on terrain people cannot safely work on and are able to control invasive plants and even poison ivy better than chemicals. Please check out the University studies and the EPA's results (we are The Goats at the EPA in Narragansett, Rhode Island) listed here. Goats are even helping to increase bee population as noted by the EPA. The joy the bring to any job is priceless, but we understand everyone likes results, and that's exactly what Goatscaping provides, proven, environmentally sustainable results.

Goats clearing invasive plants at the EPA in Narragansett Rhode island
Goats clearing invasive plants at the EPA in Narragansett Rhode island

EPA blog

The Herd of Hope at the EPA in Narragansett, Rhode Island.... click here to see what they have to say about our Goatscaping crew

Before goats
Before goats
After 2 weeks of goats
After 2 weeks of goats
Before goats
Before goats
After goats
After goats
Before goats
Before goats
After goats
After goats
Before goats
Before goats
After goats
After goats